
Hello, I am a Communication Designer with an interest in editorial design, photography, and human-centered design. I am from the St'at'imc Nation, and my connection to my community is where I see my design coming into practice. Growing up in the T'it'q'et community, I understand that there are many complex social issues that are unique to each First Nations community. 

I believe that design can solve a diverse set of issues, therefore, I am interested in simplifying and educating complex ideas using design processes, and design research methods that are best suited for the target audience I am working with. I understand that each scenario is unique and for the most efficient solution, the problem has to be treated with complete understanding and attention to detail to produce effective and sustainable design solutions.  

Science World Brand Refresh– 2021 RGD In-House Design Awards of Distinction (Judge’s Picks) (https://www.rgd.ca/2021/11/10/brand-refresh.php).

graduated from Emily Carr University of Art & Design in 2017 with a Bachelor of Design (BDes), Majoring in Communication Design and a Minor in Curatorial Practices.